In a recent interview, Sanjay Swamy, Managing Partner at Prime Venture Partners, discussed the firm’s investment strategy, which includes a concentrated portfolio and a focus on early-stage startups. Swamy also talked about the challenges of exiting investments in India and the importance of building strong relationships with founders.

On the concentrated portfolio strategy

Prime Venture Partners has a concentrated portfolio, meaning that it invests in a small number of startups. This strategy is based on the belief that it is better to focus on a few high-potential startups than to spread the risk across a larger number of investments.

Swamy explained that the concentrated portfolio strategy allows Prime Venture Partners to get to know the founders and their businesses better. This helps the firm to provide better support to the startups and to make more informed decisions about when to exit.

On the focus on early-stage startups

Prime Venture Partners focuses on early-stage startups, meaning that it invests in startups that are just getting started. This is because Swamy believes that early-stage startups have the most potential for growth.

Swamy said that early-stage startups are often overlooked by other investors because they are riskier. However, he believes that the potential rewards outweigh the risks.

On the challenges of exiting investments in India

Swamy said that one of the biggest challenges of investing in India is exiting investments. This is because the Indian startup ecosystem is still relatively illiquid, meaning that there are not a lot of buyers for startups.

Swamy said that there are a few ways to exit investments in India. One way is to sell the startup to another company. Another way is to take the startup public. However, both of these options can be difficult to achieve.

On the importance of building strong relationships with founders

Swamy said that one of the most important things that a venture capital firm can do is to build strong relationships with founders. This is because the founders are the ones who are running the startups, and they are the ones who will ultimately determine the success or failure of the investments.

Swamy said that Prime Venture Partners takes the time to get to know the founders and their businesses. This helps the firm to understand the founders’ vision for the startups and to provide the support that they need to succeed.


Sanjay Swamy’s interview provides insights into Prime Venture Partners’ investment strategy and the challenges of investing in India. Swamy’s comments highlight the importance of building strong relationships with founders and the need to focus on early-stage startups.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the interview:

  • Prime Venture Partners has a concentrated portfolio strategy.
  • Prime Venture Partners focuses on early-stage startups.
  • Exiting investments in India can be challenging.
  • Building strong relationships with founders is important.

What can you do?

If you are an investor who is interested in investing in India, you can take the following steps:

  • Learn about the Indian startup ecosystem.
  • Identify potential investment opportunities.
  • Build relationships with founders.
  • Do your due diligence.

If you are a founder of a startup in India, you can take the following steps:

  • Find a good venture capital firm.
  • Build a strong business case.
  • Be prepared to answer tough questions.
  • Be patient.